Wednesday 9 December 2015

Type 17 Societies

Type-17 "civilizations" rarely include more than a handful of individuals; these beings are capable of spanning multiple unrelated universal clusters.
Members of the Q Continuum can warp reality freely, without the need for technology or even a corporeal homeworld, and one individual may have been sighted in multiple unconnected universes. (Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1987)

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Type 16 Societies

A Type-16 civilization spans multiple different universal timestreams, but remains limited to a specific multiverse (a set of related universes).
The Aesir of Asgard use an interdimensional transporter, the Bifrost, to travel to any point in the nine universes known to them. (Thor: The Dark World, 2013)

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Type 15 Societies

A Type-15 society spans most of the known universe, and may consider entire galaxies as property, with particular groups or individuals claiming stewardship (or even outright ownership) of worlds that are entirely unaware of them.
The Time Lords of Gallifrey are masters of tesseract engineering, allowing the TARDIS' tiny exterior to conceal a massive and constantly reconfigurable spacetime vehicle. (Doctor Who, 1963)

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Type 14 Societies

A Type-14 civilization spans multiple neighbouring galaxies, and may be actively interfering in the development of lower-tier societies, either to avoid competition or to "guide" them as servants.
While the rest of his people moved beyond the galaxy, Lorien remained behind to guide the Vorlons and Shadows when the time came for their own journey. (Babylon 5, 1993)

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Type 13 Societies

The Type-13 civilization spans an entire galaxy, often with governmental authority distributed between multiple subordinate nations --some of which may become entirely independent (in this case, a type 13 society might well resemble a lower-scaled civilization with access to anachronistic technology). Societies at this level tend to fracture into civil war and gradual decline.
After the Celestial civilization collapsed, their hyperdrive technology allowed the development of a chaotic galaxy-spanning society. (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, 1980)

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Type 12 Societies

A Type-12 society is an interstellar superpower, able to dominate (either militarily, economically, or socially) an entire quadrant, and with a reputation that may span its entire galaxy. These societies are generally heavily concerned with self-maintenance; this is an era of political infighting, diplomacy, and social development.
By the late 24th Century, the Federation encompasses thousands of worlds and is an unavoidable political, diplomatic, military, and cultural influence in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants --and is known by reputation as far as the Delta and Gamma Quadrants. (Star Trek Nemesis, 2002)

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Type 11 Societies

A Type-11 society is one in which member worlds are functionally self-reliant --they no longer need the Homeworld propping them up, and have banded together voluntarily. This civilization is (generally) no longer worried about mere survival, but has the luxury of seeking improvement (either through intellectual advancement, territorial expansion, economic dominion, or merely social stasis).
In the wake of the Romulan War, Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, and the independent Alpha Centauri colonies banded together to create the United Federation of Planets; a Type-11 civilization. (Enterprise, 2001)