Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Type 2 Societies

Members of a paleolithic Type-2 society are capable of crafting; altering found objects into tools intended for specific uses. They are also more intellectually advanced, capable of complex problem-solving, abstract reasoning, foresight, and more complex communication. They may be on the cusp of an agricultural revolution.
A New Caledonian crow uses a cut leaf as a tool to forage for insects (photograph by Gavin Hunt)

These people understand that there is strength in numbers; resulting in a more tightly-knit and organized community, with a well-defined territory --having a home represents "safety," and is the beginning of social identity. This society will maintain rigid in-groups, with outsiders representing a serious danger.

By now, a Type-2 society will be adept at "handling" most natural enemies and environmental events; the main sources of conflict in a Type-2 society will be challenges to the Alpha's authority, and raids (either for territory, slaves, food, or mates) from neighbouring tribes.

Footprint: Territory defined by physical and/or chemical marks.

Sustainable Population: Measured in tens.

Government: Voluntary dictatorship (via submission to the Alpha).

Bureaucracy: Simple (age-based?) hierarchy.

Language: Limited; some abstract concepts.

Literacy: None.

Network: Vocalization, pheromone traces.

Religion: Simple, individualized, possibly centred around an elder storyteller/shaman.

Science: Extremely limited engineering (knapped stone, sharpened sticks, leaf cutting, stitching, simple weaving, etc).

Medicine: Collective nurturing.

Education: Direct demonstration/copying.

Energy: Physical activity, as well as limited use of natural forces (water to float, wind to push sails, sunlight for warmth, wind to cool, etc).

Industry: Self-crafting (found objects are modified as needed, then discarded).

Military: None.

Economy: Individual barter (value is estimated individually).

Food: Organized hunting/gathering.

Travel: Self-powered, members remain within claimed territory, understanding that it is safer than "outside."

Spaceflight: None.

Alien contact: None/hostile (aliens may be recognized as other animals, or as intruders/predators). This society is undetectable except by observation and discovery of artifacts.

Examples (reality): chimps, orangutans, bonobos, crows, ravens, parrots, elephants.
Examples (fiction): xenomorphs, gremlins, mannaks.

Xenomorphs are capable of coordinated hunting, and are smart enough to weaponize their own acidic blood to melt through chains.

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